ATTORNEY domain name was different: The law firm launched a new website and didn't just migrate to a new domain. But, nonetheless, Eric Block's website went from not being found at all (no keywords on the first page of search results) to being in the top spot for one of his most popular keywords. most important, "Jacksonville Attorney". Advertising Continue reading below After reviewing the data on the migration, looking at the keyword rankings before and after the migration, and thoroughly reviewing the site's Google Analytics data, I can honestly say that the site suffered no ranking drops. It was quite the opposite, with the site enjoying first-page organic rankings for a significant number of keywords.
And, you have to admit, a top ranking for fax list an important keyword phrase is pretty impressive, even if it's an exact match domain (EMD). These are just two gTLD domain name. There are literally hundreds (thousands?) of other examples in nature that can be studied and examined if you wish to research them for yourself. New gTLD: My Conclusions When it comes to migrating to a new domain name, Google has certainly made it clear on several occasions that it does not give any additional ranking weight to any of the new gTLD domain names. In 2015, they stated that “Overall, our systems treat new gTLDs like other gTLDs (like .com and .org). Keywords in a top-level domain give no advantage or disadvantage in search.
Advertising Continue reading below What's worth noting, however, is the fact that keyword-rich exact match domain names, especially those with keywords in their endings, tend to rank quite well. I have a few ideas as to why this is so, here are a few: A brand new domain (such as a new gTLD) doesn't have a bad story. In fact, he has no history that could prevent him from ranking well. It's not that the keyword-rich TLD helps, it just doesn't hurt. It can be a good thing. A site that switches to a new domain name that successfully migrates using SEO best practices will not suffer from ranking issues, whether or not it is a new keyword-rich gTLD domain. In cases where a site moves from a .COM domain to a keyword-rich new gTLD domain, it usually moves because it is moving to a better domain. Having a better, shorter and more memorable domain is better for users.