Still don't do email marketing campaigns? Far from going Raster to Vector Conversion out of style, this tool has made a strong comeback thanks Raster to Vector Conversion to smartphones. For this reason, today I want to tell you about my 9 favorite international email marketing campaigns of 2016 , selected among the most effective of this year.
The best international email marketing campaigns 2016 1) BuzzFeed Raster to Vector Conversion This portal specialized in viral articles has tons of content for all types of audiences. So the key to making better email marketing campaigns had Raster to Vector Conversion to be in the segmented mailing list. And that is precisely what he has done in his newsletters: design 20 different models based on the interests of the people who receive them, such as health or beauty.
In addition, users can also subscribe to "courses" and Raster to Vector Conversion receive periodic content in their email, such Raster to Vector Conversion as their "4-week Get Fit Challenge". The results are worth it: email is among the top 5 sources of visits to your page and users from this channel spend an average of 3 more minutes browsing the site.